January 18, 2002

AM Update - More Tara

AM Update - More Tara Tidbits

Angel X explained a bit more at the Kitten Board

Tara and Willow have an argument in the house, and (separate question) tara does some heavy magick? wouldn't willow be all like *HEY!* about it? We should see this kinda addressed in 13 (if the scene isn't cut, of course). Willow seems to be cool with Tara doing magic still. She recognizes that magic is still sometimes necessary for the Scooby Gang and when she can't do it, she knows Tara's the only other qualified one. Willow's still probably 10 times more powerful than Tara, but Tara still knows what she's doing. The cause of their disturbed relationship in 14 is Willow having magical supplies despite the events of "Gone" and her seemingly successful attempt at staying magic-free.

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