January 08, 2002

AM Update Loey has posted

AM Update

Loey has posted her wildfeed for 'Gone'.

Need to address a couple of things from the PM Update.

First, Sweetie is the person who is saying she knows what's wrong with Buffy, not me. I've had several e-mails asking me to spill, but I have no idea what Sweetie is talking about. Sorry, I don't have any additional information that I can pass along.

Second, I've also had a fair number of people take offense to my 'Buffy, the Vampire Layer' comment. It was meant to be a joke, poking fun at the fact that she's been doing more shagging than slaying as of late. Which means that spoilers like 'Buffy kisses Spike' or 'Buffy sleeps with Spike', having once been 'major spoilers', are now pretty much a given. Whereas a spoiler like 'Buffy actually stakes a vampire', now that would be news. It was a joke and not a very original one at that. I'm surprised that people actually took it to heart.

Couple other questions that I've been asked lately.

The Buffy Formula is updated based on the most recent episode aired in the United States. For that reason, the odds do not change as quickly as the spoilers. There are fans who don't want to be spoiled at all, but enjoy following the Buffy Formula. For that reason, I only update that page after an episode airs (and one in which we have some indication of a change in status). There will be an update to the Formula tomorrow, after 'Gone' airs.

I'm going to ask again that you refrain from sending me speculation, especially if it's very long or detailed. I don't have the time to read or address every speculation I receive, I try to answer as many as I can, but it's very hard to keep up. I welcome quick comments or thoughts, but if you've come up with a scenario for the entire season, you'll probably receive a better response posting on one of the many Buffy messageboards. I apologize for not being able to devote more time to your e-mails, but I would rather spend the time tracking spoilers and keeping the page updated.

Less than 12 hours to go...

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