November 18, 2001

Update: Sweetie over at FanForum,

Update: Sweetie over at FanForum, says that if these are spoilers for Episode 10, they don't fit what she's seen so far (ie: most of the episode). Wendy from BAPS also claims that they are false as well. Which pretty much puts the kibosh on any of these having truth to them. Though there is a bit of the spoilers that both of those sources have talked about(underwear, B/S/D alliance, Dawn in danger), woven into these. Along with things that the writers have mentioned as well (Willow returning to her hacker roots). It's much easier figuring things out when people begin spoilers with 'My dog heard this from another cat's cousin...' or they have anything to do with Riley returning or Xander discovering his destiny.

This was posted at

Buffy and Spike do indeed have sex. It's not pretty sex, either. It's passionate, yes, but very, very UN-romantic. As it's happening, she's into it, but the minute it's over, and she realizes what she's done, she can't believe it. She jumps up and starts to leave, he teases her by playing with her panties, which she left on the ground, and they fight. Sources say that there's a full backside shot of Spike naked during this fight.

Buffy withdraws even more from her friends after what she does with Spike. No one really understands why so Willow does a spell to find out what's wrong with Buffy, but the spell makes Dawn, who happens to be affected because she has Buffy's blood in her, start spilling her guts about stealing and how she sorta wishes Buffy hadn't come back since she's not the same. Buffy overhears it and before they can break the spell, she is also affected and tells Dawn that she (Dawn) isn't even real, that she's nothing, that's she probably has blue energy in her veins instead of blood. They keep shouting "truths" at each other until Dawn takes a swing at Buffy, cracking her across the face, and then Buffy looks up at Dawn like she's about to kill her. Willow breaks the spell before Buffy goes completely nuts on Dawn.

After the spell, Buffy tells Willow that she either has to stop doing magic completely or she has to get out. Buffy and Willow argue and Buffy tells her that she's done more harm than she'll ever know. And it isn't even about bringing her back, it's what she's done between Dawn and Buffy.

Willow leaves and Buffy goes to talk to Dawn. Dawn isn't there.

Dawn goes to Spike and tells him what happened and she knows that his chip malfunctioned, so she asks him to kill her. Or make her a vampire. He's completely freaked out by this and goes off on her. Buffy comes in, quietly, and overhears Spike telling Dawn how he'd die if the world didn't have her in it. And how he cares for her. How she made his summer bearable while Buffy was gone. He tells Dawn that even if Buffy hadn't come back, he'd still be there for her and even though Buffy *is* back, he's always going to be there. Dawn says that Buffy hates her. Spike says that she hates him too but they have to keep loving Buffy until she's better. They have to love her enough to make her stay.

Buffy makes her presence known, looking at Spike in an all new light. Dawn and Buffy talk about the things that they said. Buffy tells Dawn that stealing is wrong, but that Buffy did it too, when she was a teenager. Dawn promises not to do it anymore and tells Buffy she didn't mean what she said. Buffy swears she didn't mean it either.

Dawn says that they're all they have and hug.

Spike watches with a small grin on his face.

Buffy notices him and motions him into the hug and says, "No, Dawn. We're not all we have."


Random tidbits:

Amy the rat apparently remembers everything she saw from the cage and knows that Willow is into girls. She flirts with Willow and purposely makes Tara jealous. (because tara bought her cheaper rat food)

Jonathon meets up with Willow at the Bronze and knows that she's in a bad way. He tells his nerdy friends that they should bring Willow into their fold. They don't think she's geeky enough. He reminds them that she was a total spaz in school. And she knows all the secrets of the Slayer. They decide to tell Willow they want her in a computer group and "woo her" through technology. She has no idea of their intentions and decides to concentrate on computers instead of magic for a while because magic is costing her her friends.

Xander loses his job and hides it from Anya, who is totally obsessed with saving money for their wedding and for her "hope chest". He takes a job with another construction company, but it's an evil company that is actually building a shrine to some evil demon that will be born there.

Spike and Buffy resume their habit of patrolling together. It's strained at first, but he tells her that they have to be friends because of Dawn, because they both care about Dawn. Buffy agrees but says that she's his friend only because she has no other friends. They're in bed together again by the end of episode eleven.

First off, let's just say that I'm relatively skeptical about this latest batch. Namely because it looks like something that was cobbled together from information that has been floating around for a while. That's a double-edged sword, because if the info that's floating around is correct, then these could be likely spoilers. The interesting thing is that the extra bits are actually what casts more doubt on these spoilers than the Buffy/Spike/Dawn interaction. Working backwards...
  • The line Buffy takes on why Spike is her friend, just doesn't make sense. They've had a friendly relationship for most of the past two seasons, even after Spike's obsession.

  • Xander losing his job, eh, the storyline seems a bit off. It might be good for an episode, but I don't see it being a major storyline.

  • Willow being pulled into the Troika, well it does echo the rumors that she would return to her computer roots. However, it's pretty obvious that for the next period of time she's going to be struggling with Magic. Plus, by having her in the group, does it really do anything?

  • The Amy/Tara thing seems the weakest. We have a good idea that Amy was aware while in the cage, but I can't see her trying to make Tara jealous (especially for the reason given). Plus, I think I've heard that Amy is used to make Buffy jealous of Spike. Variation on a rumor that doesn't seem to have a lot going for it to begin with.

  • The Buffy/Dawn fight because of Willow's spell, doubtful at best. While Dawn might not be happy with the way that Buffy came back, I can't imagine her wanting her to go. I also think that Buffy's feelings for Dawn were pretty obvious last season, she never saw Dawn as a creation, so why would that have changed. She sacrificed herself for her sister, not something you would do for somebody who was 'nothing'.

  • The only thing that rings true is the interaction between Dawn and Spike while Buffy eavesdrops. It's about the only thing that fits spoilers that we already have, those where Sweetie hinted there would be some kind of alliance between these three.
While I have issues with the spoilers themselves, certain bits kind of make sense. Let's assume these Buffy/Dawn/Spike events take place in Episode Ten, with the extra tidbits coming further down the road. We know that there is a painful 'morning after' scene that will open the episode. There are also rumors that this is where Willow puts Dawn in danger and Buffy is torn by her feelings for Spike. Buffy is also supposed to ask Willow to leave in this episode. However, there is no mention of the other sorcerers who come to visit Willow. It would also seem that Buffy isn't shirking her duties or is confused about her priorities because of Spike. As you can tell, part of it makes sense, while other bits don't. Then there is the bit about Willow and the Troika. Although I think it's doubtful, let's remember that Willow might be following that 'can' to something behind a house. Since it seems the Sunnydale basements have backyard access, could this be the invite to the Troika's hideout? I'll wait until the Wildfeed comes out to add them to the main page (there should be signs that would point to this turn of events), but right now I think most of them might be 'possible' (but an iffy-possible).

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