November 12, 2001

Leoff didn't get the Wildfeed

Leoff didn't get the Wildfeed this morning, but Reyna posted a quick recap of the episode at the Kitten Board.

Also, Rob posted a report (link is no longer active, the boards were reset. But the entire text appears here) at the Cross and Stake messageboards. He was at the 'Bad Girls' convention in England.

Got back last night from attending the 'Bad Girls' convention. With Guests Claire Kramer, Julie Benz, Mercedez Mcnab and Elizabeth Anne Allen. All guests look radiate especially I thought Elizabeth who felt left out because her hair is currently a In the guest talks she said that she has currently filmed eps 9,11,12 or sumthing like that and 'WILL' appear some more before the end of the season. That she does 'pair up' with Willow for a bit of mischeif but wouldn't say how far it would go. Clare Kramer had the cutest laugh in the entire world. Mercedez Mcnab was so sweet , she was ill over the whole weekend and very tired yet was still so lovely and survived the guest chats (even the really embarrasin moments when people ran out of questions!) She also said she is back in Buffy for Season 6 - can't actually think of a plot device but I'm sure Joss will surprise us :) Elizabeth was asked if her character could team up with ne male member of the cast who would it be. She replied she thought that her and Spike could have some fun, but then as an afterthought she said 'of course that can't happen' looked a bit like she said the wrong thing and said 'oh ignore that bit' - is she just teasing us dya think? Or is there sumthing there. Let me know wot you reckon.
Finally, TV Guide Online has a short article on Emma and the chances of making it to the altar.

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