November 09, 2001

Jen at FanForum posted some

Jen at FanForum posted some new spoilage, possibly surrounding the events of episode 10 or 11 (maybe 12).

-First off, it looks as if whatever problems B/S may face in episode 9, are resolved at this point. There's no apparent hostility between them.

-There's sort of a Buffy/Spike/Dawn alliance thing going on against Willow, which will hopefully be played upon a lot this season.

-Willow's magic puts Dawn in danger.

-Xander confronts Willow.

Which I've added to the Spoiler Slayer. She also thinks that there could be some truth behind the Spoilers for Episode 11 (Amnesiac), where Willow sees Dawn as an obstacle. I'm still going with that not being a possibility at this point. I can see Willow doing something that puts Dawn into danger, I can't see her taking major steps to try to get rid of Dawn. The former supports a long-running trend of Willow's spellcasting, the latter suggests a huge shift in the mindset of her character. Which I'm not discounting, but it's still a couple episodes too early for my taste.

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