November 07, 2001

How Cool Was That... Anyway,

How Cool Was That...

Anyway, things are a bit wonky on the boards with all the musical talk. I'll wait until tomorrow morning to do the usual surfing and updating. Though from what I've seen so far, I think I should just bring up a few points...

There are a lot of people freaking out over the fact that in next weeks preview, we have a shot of Giles and Anya kissing passionately. I don't think there is any need for concern, since we know that for a good portion of the episode, nobody remembers who they are or who they like. We also have Willow's promise to Tara, which should make it obvious that the witchcraft storyline = drug/alcohol addiction. I swear, I can stop anytime I want. Which does not bode well for Willow, as in any other show this would be just the beginning of the downward slide. Spike and Buffy, well it could go in any direction at this point. My current feeling is that the first part is going to be Buffy dealing with Spike (forget it happened), then the amnesia, then Giles leaves, then Buffy and Spike take it to the next level (that's based on the spoiler of Buffy saying that she did something with Spike because Giles left). The only thing I think I'm pretty sure about, is that they aren't going to make Spike go bad. Long-term, you don't want him either leaving or getting killed off. But they will have to find a way to make the entire Buffy/Spike thing very uncomfortable for both parties.

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