November 02, 2001

No new spoilers, but an

No new spoilers, but an update and a reminder...

- The lyrics to Spike's song have been added to the BAPS summary.

- Other locations, including AICN are reminding people that the Musical will run long (6 minutes). I would play it safe and set it for 8 minutes (because that's what Joss was saying originally, and your local station could vary). I've gotten a couple of emails about that change, guess we're just too on the cutting edge, as we originally reported on it about a week or so ago.

Which isn't a problem, I know that we generate a lot of news and info on this page and that there isn't a headlines or spoiler tracker here. The original intent is that one would visit the 'Spoiler Slayer' page first, then come to the Spoilery Speculation for discussion (if they wanted to be spoiled further). The problem is that Spoilers do get lost in the shuffle. One of the things that I've been working on, is 'Hot Spoilers' list that would sit on the side of this page. Which would link to the latest discussion of that particular spoiler on the page. The added benefit is, if implemented correctly, it might be something that could extend beyond your browser. Like your cellphone or PDA. It's going to take a bit of technical work to get it up and running and I might need some beta-testers. For now, I'll try to get it up and running on the page itself, and we'll work from there.

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