October 29, 2001

Update: I think it's almost

Update: I think it's almost safe to say that Dawn does not take the Talisman. The episode has aired in Canada, so I'm sure we'll be seeing Wildfeed info soon enough. But I thought I'd keep everyone here as updated as I am currently. Otherwise, it would appear that the original summary on BAPS is correct.

Still nothing on the Wildfeed Front. For those interested, the address to the BetaBronze is www.bronzebeta.com. The second part still hasn't been posted, and with where it was being posted and by who, 'Maki Maus', I'm more than a bit skeptical. The actual outline follows the summary that BAPS has had posted for a while, with a few variations. For example, in the summary, Dawn supposedly filches a shiny coin. In this partial wildfeed, she's supposedly taking the D'Hoffryn Talisman that Willow drops. Which I'm highly skeptical about, to say the least. It could be true, but it's almost too good to be true. So I'm still waiting for some kind of official breakdown of sorts, that will hopefully clear up everything.

On the subject of getting info since I won't be able to see the actual episode, I've had several offers and I appreciate the help. Someone actually wrote from Canada, and they'll be seeing the episode today. So that should fill in the holes nicely.

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