October 27, 2001

I was going to mention

I was going to mention this tomorrow (but I notice that somebody already mentioned it on another page - and hey, it's already tomorrow)

David Fury was interviewed by the BBC, here's some interesting bits on Spike and Willow.

You've been involved in some lively debates on the official message board regarding Spike, and whether he is redeemable.

I have, [and] my convictions [that Spike is evil and Buffy shouldn't fall for him] were true and genuine. I was not trying to provoke an argument, although I knew it would, because I always liked to stir things up with the fans a bit.

I’m kind of known as the guy who will get the little fights going, start bar fights with the fans - just because I think it’s kind of fun. People are very passionate about the show. I’m passionate about the show, and one of the fun things about it is to disagree on the direction of the characters.

While I feel that was my personal conviction, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where the direction of the show will go. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I won’t find some ways to still stay true within my own personal conviction while still exploring the possibilities in the Spike/Buffy relationship, but I do feel strongly that Spike is evil and Buffy is good and you sell out both characters if they completely come together in a "We love each other" sort of way.

I think we’re doing some interesting things that. We’re bordering on crossing the line but I’m comfortable where we’re going with it.

What kinds of Buffy spin-off series would you like to see made?

Well, we’re already doing some of them, the Giles spin-off. That’s been much talked about right now. What Joss is doing is really smart. I think that’s going to be a great show, I get that entirely.

Faith, although she’s not a regular [would be another]. Certainly I had imagined a long time ago doing a fugitive Slayer, a Slayer on the run from the law, on a motorcycle, travelling. Kind of a fugitive, getting involved with people’s lives and at the same time fighting the forces of darkness. I think Faith would make an amazing show, except that Eliza’s a big movie star and we will probably never get that.

Willow has grown. Alyson’s a wonderful actress and she’s growing into an amazing character. Willow’s gone through a lot of changes and I can certainly see that being another show we could spin off in the future.

I think the fact of the matter is this universe is infinite in its possibilities. We have a rich past of Slayers that we’re creating in graphic novels that can be utilised as spin-offs. Joss has created a future slayer, Fray, in comic book form that I’m dying to see as a movie some time. There’s always going to be many, many different avenues we can explore and I hope to be a part of each of them.

Which really begins to put a twist on the spoilers that we have. One could certainly assume that while Spike and Buffy might happen, it isn't going to be all love and romance. Because he's EVIL!!!

It also calls into question the Willow spoilage. How can she be killed, if there is going to be a spin-off? Of course, there are no easy answers. For one, it's hard to believe that within five years, this show is going to foster more spin-offs than 'All In The Family' or 'Law and Order'. We'll have Buffy, Angel, The Watcher, The Witch, and the Cartoon. Who knows, maybe one with the Troika (chuckle). Anyway, I'm sticking to the middle ground with these spoilers. In truth, while I think it's possible, I am leaning more on the skeptical side. I do think there will be Buffy/Spike relationship, but I've always said it would be a very different one. We keep coming back to the same issue, Buffy needs to be paired with someone on the show. I also don't think that they can ever really turn Spike evil again and pull it off (it's been done before anyway). The interesting thing with a Buffy/Spike relationship, is that it fits the other ones. First there was Angel, who as good, then turned evil, then turned good again. Riley, who was good, but worked for evil people. Now we have Spike, who is evil, but is slowly becoming one of the good guys. I think we can say that Buffy has never had a relationship without moral complications.

Willow, it's also tough to say. Yes, the writers go on and on about how they love her and how they would never kill her off. But again, the show isn't called Buffy, Willow's Best Friend. Buffy is the central character, and by elevating Willow to roughly the same power-level/authority of Buffy is going to cause problems. You can't get around it. It's one of the reasons why Kendra or Faith would never have worked full-time Scoobs, and one of the reasons why Angel probably got his own show. Which would be the problem with pulling Spike into a more central role as well. Well, it's kind of late and all this speculation is making my brain hurt. Hopefully, I won't end up dreaming about the show like I did last week (and it was an episode that didn't have Anya, darn it!)

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