October 25, 2001

New spoilage for Episodes Eight,

New spoilage for Episodes Eight, Nine, and Ten. Coming from a new source, Mr Video Productions.

108 11/13/01 [unknown] 6ABB08 Tabula Rasa Buffy and Spike deal with their sleeping together. Tara splits up with Willow. Giles leaves Sunnydale for good.

109 11/20/01 [unknown] 6ABB09 TBD
A demon casts a spell on Buffy making her, and the audience, question what is real.

110 11/27/01 [unknown] 6ABB10 TBD
Buffy asks Willow to leave the house due to her obsession with magic.

I'm not sure how much I want to believe this, some of it is pretty much what we've heard, but other bits make no sense at all. I really doubt that Buffy and Spike are going to suddenly hop into the sack. Strangely, I find it more likely that Spike will be resisting Buffy than the other way around. I don't know exactly why I'm getting that feeling, but it might be that I feel that Spike is still somewhat ashamed of the Bot. As much as I like Buffy, she's not a very independent (which is being portrayed very strong this season, with her dependence on Giles). If she's aware that Giles is leaving, she might just run to Spike (wouldn't that be a shocker).

The reality-twist episode we've heard about already, which should also be the de-ratting episode. The question comes up with Episode 10, and whether or not Buffy would really ask Willow to leave. I don't think it's out of the question, especially if Buffy still harbors some anger over being resurrected. For now I'm going to play it safe and add these two spoilers, but only rank them as 'possible'. I'm really on the edge of saying that the Buffy and Spike sleep together as 'Unlikely', but I've got this nagging feeling that it could happen. If it does happen, I think it will be one of those situations where after the fact, it's going to be much like the Xander/Cordelia kiss.

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