October 21, 2001

Just when you thought it

Just when you thought it was going to be a slow weekend, this crosses the Kitten Board.

So, Amy and Willow are hanging out at the Bronze, chit-chatting about current events, and two guys come up and ask them to dance. Amy asks if Willow is up for it, and Willow says nah, and Amy snaps her fingers and says something to the effect of "How about someone more your style.", and a person described as a very, very attractive woman comes from the bar. My source...hey, should this source have a secret code name? Mysterioso X? Dark Sheep? Hm. Maybe leave that stuff to the AICN folks....anyway, my source says that the implication they got from the scene was that Amy cast some spell on the woman, who had up till then just been sitting at the bar.

So, this attractive woman goes and introduces herself to Willow, who supposedly babbles cutely under these attentions but eventually turns her down, and Amy seemingly lets her out of the spell and goes off alone to dance with the guys.

A little later, Amy is back sitting with Willow, and the guys come back, but this time they're sort of nasty and grabby on Amy, and Willow objects, and they say something unkind to her ("Back off Ellen" I believe) at which point I'm given to understand that fairly major bit of a magical slapping down starts to occur, though of course the magic stuff doesn't happen in this scene, there are no special effects.

Erm...okay, so my source thinks that this scene is happening in episode 9, though it may possibly be as early as 8, or as late as 10, they aren't sure. But round about in there. The band playing at the Bronze was called Virgil, if that helps nail it down from other sources.

There is no sign of Tara, and no indication that Willow and Amy are anything but buddies in the scene, so it seems like a separation has indeed happened, but no worries about a witchy rebound thing happening. My source gave the impression that overall the scene is funny, but indicative of a lot of very casual magic use without regard for the feelings of other people or secrecy. No one seemed to be dying of cancer, for what that's worth.

The post was from Hugin (len) who is a moderator on the board, so the source is better than your run-of-the-mill posting.

I doubt that it would be episode Eight or Nine, but I think Ten is a very good possibility. I'm going to stick the spoilage in the November Sweeps section (since it will be around that time), until we get some more info. I'm going with a possible ranking for now, just because it could very well work. In terms of the Buffy Formula, Amy has always been an ideal candidate for the Big Bad. She's got reasons for being ticked off, and she certainly has the capability to be a handful for the gang. Especially if she hooked up with either the full Troika or the remnants of the Troika post Buffy-beating. Plus, it fits the hints that the writers have been dropping that the 'Big Bad' will be entirely different this season. Willow going bad sounds very much like Angel or Faith. However, Revenge is an entirely new motive for going after the Scoob's. Which could also lead to Willow's demise (if you were Amy, and you were the 'Big Bad', who would be the first Scooby you would want out of the way?) Just something to think about.

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