October 18, 2001

Just a really quick note.

Just a really quick note. I wasn't going to work on the page until this afternoon (I have an appointment with the DMV in an hour), but some shocking spoilage just came across the line.

Jen over at FanForum, who has been extremely accurate in the past, has posted new spoilage. Tidbits from several episodes, and the major news that Willow is going to be the character who will die. Yes, you read that correctly. Since I don't know if the above link will work if you aren't registered with FanForum, I'll just post the Willowy bits. I'm not going to comment at this time, because it's going to be a pretty long analysis, so look for something this afternoon.

Willow dies.

She couldn't stress enough how reliable her source was, so I definitely believe it. And, if you guys remember, Willow is who I thought it was all along. I thought she would be the most likely to go, BUT at the same time, I didn't know if Joss could AFFORD to lose her. And now that I think about it, I think they can. She becomes TOO powerful. She becomes the season's BIG BAD... as in EVIL. Now, I don't know when, how, or why, but I think knowing *who* will be enough to hold me over until I see it for myself.

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