September 08, 2001

If it's the weekend, then

If it's the weekend, then it must be a slow time for spoilers. Nothing new to report, Steven DeKnight paid a visit to the Beta Bronze, but didn't spill much. BTW, The Bronze VIP Posting Board Archive is a great way to get just the dirt. They are going to start filming the Halloween episode soon, casting is about done. If you've heard rumors that Xander is dressed as a pirate in this episode, then you might pay attention to what costume Steven would like to wear. He's still dropping those wooden shoes hints as well.

I actually got further information on Episode Six, but I'm waiting for an okay from the source to talk about it. If I don't hear back by tomorrow, I'm going to change the status on some anyway. Most of the time I don't mind talking about where or who talks to me, but if they don't give me permission I don't want to go stepping on their toes. More or less it backs up what Wendy was saying yesterday, and fills in a bit more of the puzzle.

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