September 06, 2001

Apparently, UPN has begun to

Apparently, UPN has begun to run a trailer for the first episode. Since I am UPN-free (DirecTV doesn't carry it yet), I haven't actually seen it. I have seen various transcripts, two of which are available at the Buffy Cross and Stake Spoiler Board. Wendy on the Kitten board also talks about the trailer, along with some further info on Episode Six. I presume that the new trailer will grace the UPN site sometime this weekend, so everyone can get a good look at it.

We now have two possible titles for Episode Six, either "Asylum" or "All The Way". I think that the latter is more likely, especially if it does have Dawn going joyriding and Buffy and Spike heading off to patrol alone. From what Wendy tells us, the Scoobies are having an engagement party at the house, and Buffy leaves during the party to take Spike up on an earlier offer to patrol. Remember you can also check out what she has to say at the Bloody Awful Poet Society spoiler page. She also has info from a possible location shoot at a construction site, which might come closer to confirming bits of Episode Five.

BTW, I'm not ignoring the discussion going on in the comments section. I'll try to come back tonight and answer some more questions. If you read the non-Buffy portion of the site, you know that the movers have been here today, so I'm more than a little busy. After this weekend, free-time won't be much of an issue.

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