August 29, 2001

Further confirmation on spoilers that

Further confirmation on spoilers that have been around a while. has a brief blurb on Danny Strong (Jonathan) and his role for the upcoming season. It's been known almost since the finale aired that Jonathan would be back for at least one episode, which is further confirmed here. Though he's being very tightlipped, but I'm about to move the Troika Spoiler to confirmed. I'd like a shooting location report to finally nail that one down. At the least, Jonathan will be back, we know that for sure. They also talk about Eliza Dushku trying to clear space to return to both shows this season. While it would be nice, there are other rumors floating around that the actors will be restricted by the networks for being on only one of the two shows. For example, if Juliet Landau is going to be on Angel as rumored, then she would not be able to appear on Buffy. But it's total speculaiton on our part, since while the networks could probably put their foot down on the original cast, I can't see how they could wield that much control over the guest stars. Especially since neither network produces the show.

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