August 17, 2003

Site News: Answers

Thanks to everyone who has sent in comments and suggestions, it's interesting to see what you had to say about the site. It also pointed out a few things that weren't working well, so I've made a few more tweaks here and there.

Read on if you're interesting in hearing what your fellow fans had to say, and some of the changes that have been made. Many of the comments were just kudos and continued thanks for the site. I'm not going to list all of those comments here, but thanks for all the kudos (and criticisms). Here's some of the suggestions or questions that were made.

I liked the "Ten most recent spoilers" that you had put together, just a glimpse of what was going on with the series. And then if you wanted something more extensive, you could click on the "spoiler slayer" link that was at the top of the page to get the full info. But now everything's hidden away to the side. - Anya


One comment though, I think that you should bring back spoiler pages for each show like you had with Buffy (with each episode title and ranking too). - Nikolas

This was an interesting comment, since I hadn't realized that there were some problems finding the Spoiler Ranking pages. Because of this, you'll note that I've changed the 'Spoiler Rankings' in the Navigation bar to 'Spoiler Summaries'. Hopefully that will make it a bit clearer.
If you are looking for a quicker shortcut to just the spoilers for a particular show, the main page has links to each spoiler page. It is immediately above the 'Updated On' text.

I know that a lot of people liked the 'Ten Most Recent' spoilers on the main page. However, because this would effectively provide spoilers for three shows at once, I had to pull that functionality. This way, fans who don't want to be spoiled for certain shows will not be.

First, you might consider adding an email address specifically for web site issues. I saw none on the Contact Info page. Either that, or specify hat such mail should be sent to one of the addresses already given.

The second concerns the Recent Entries section. While I think this is a great addition, I would like it if the article titles were spaced out a bit, to set them part from each other. If this is not possible, then adding the date or something at the beginning of each title would help.

The last thing concerns the problem you were having with the side of the main page being cut off. I am glad you were able to solve that problem, but I am still having a problem with the article pages not appearing correctly. While it doesn't affect the article text, it does cut off the "next" link on the right side. - Kevin.


Is there any way you can post the dates of the "recent entries"? - GSPRUILL9

As to Kevin's first two questions, consider it done. Unfortunately, it's not feasible to post dates of the most recent entries. It's an issue of both programming and real estate on the column. In fact, I'm trying to find a way to collapse the Archives section so it won't be so much dead space (especially since they aren't really actively used as much anymore).

On the topic of the side of the main page being cut off. I'm still getting reports that this is happening with some users. I would like a bit more info on this, because I can't replicate it in any of the Browsers I'm using. So if you are still seeing the Next link cut off when viewing articles, let me know what Article (or if it's all of them), what OS you are running, and what browser.

I wanted to know where the fan forum board is that has the spoilers. I haven't seen it in the last two or three days. - ThomasineJ

I have pulled that link from the Daily Rounds in the Sidebar, but it is still linked on the main Spoiler page. The reason for pulling that and some other sites, is that I want to try and keep the number of links on the Sidebar reasonable. Which is why I'm trying to keep it around 12, and I've had to pull some and add others depending on a variety of factors.

Mainly, I'm trying to list sites that will give you everything you need on the first page you go to. That's part of the reason why E! Online was pulled, because Kristin's info is buried a few clicks down. Same with FanForums. Nothing against any of the sites, I'm just trying to keep the sites listed in the sidebar limited. I've also never intended the site to serve as a 'search engine' or 'portal' to other sites, but I do list Buffy Guide which does.

Your site is very basic, clean and organized. No images or annoying colors is a plus. But, I don't know, the blue and black is starting to get a bit boring. Perhaps add more features to your site? Just to spice it up? - Alicia

I actually get a number of calls for a bit more 'texture' to the site. It seems that a lot of fans find it a bit dull and boring. I'm really not sure how to address this. Two issues with images are both bandwidth and copyright. While I would love to have images related to each topic, or incorporate pictures from the various shows, those two concerns always have to be considered. Considering the site averages nearly 5 million hits per month, adding images would slow down the site considerably. Also, I've been lucky enough to keep the lawyers at bay by not posting any copyrighted images (and many of the Buffy sites that have gotten the 'cease and desist' letters, have usually gotten them because of images used more than anything else). So it's something I'll keep in mind, and I'm always open to any suggestions.

Could you please cover 'Alias' as well as the other shows

If there was a 'most-popular' request, this would be it. Everyone wants to be spoiled on 'Alias' and as a fan of the show myself, I can understand why.

The problem with 'Alias' is simple. It's not that I couldn't cover the show, or track the various spoilers on the Net. The problem is that it would be impossible to separate fact from fiction. At least with the current shows (and Buffy), things progress logically even though these shows are firmly based in fantasy. It's easy to spot false spoilers, because they often suggest bizarre twists or things that are very out of character. Where, for example, the claim that 'Spike will be a Male Slayer' is very easy to rule out as false spoilage. With 'Alias', the more bizarre the rumored plot twist, the more likely it could be true. Imagine if someone had dropped the spoiler that Fred was going to be killed and replaced with 'Evil-Fred'. On 'Angel', we can pretty much realize that it's not going to happen. But on 'Alias', that's exactly what did happen.

In the end, while I would love to cover 'Alias', the twists and turns are just too hard to track reliably.

When is your personal site ever going to come back? Have you given it up? - Jordana

Okay, while not completely spoiler-related, I felt I should answer this one. I had planned on bringing it back much sooner, but there never seems to be enough of a break in the spoilers (and work) to get a chance to get all the coding done and completed.

The gameplan is to be up and running by September 1st, but no guarantees.

Again, that's for all the feedback, it is greatly appreciated. Hopefully this answers a few of your questions, and if there are others or other comments you would like to make, feel free to drop me a line at

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