March 04, 2004

ATS: Thoughts On Guest Shots

There is a still quite a bit of speculation on who, if anyone, from the Buffyverse will swing by Los Angeles in the waning episodes of 'Angel'. Yesterday I posted the SciFi Wire article in the new section, which had the first official comments from Sarah about appearing on the show.

Many others have written to let me know that Alyson will not be in England from approximately March 17th until early April. Which could point to her making a possible appearance on the show. However, this is a planned absence for her, as apparently she will be filming her NBC pilot during this time.

With both Gellar and Hannigan back in Los Angeles at roughly the same time, does this mean they will make a stop by the 'Angel' sets? It's still way too early to tell. While I think that that it's still a strong possibility, I wouldn't want to consider it a given. I also would think that there may be certain other characters, who have a stronger chance of making a brief cameo near the end (Faith, Darla, or Drusilla, maybe even Holtz). Since so much of Angel's story is in the past, flashbacks seem to be a common occurrence for the series. Somehow, I think we may get a final glimpse of Angel's past history, before the show becomes just that.

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