April 04, 2003

Kristin, Angel, Miracles

Spin-Off Spin

Kristin posted information on a recent visit to the Buffy set at E! Online. She has information on the various Scoob's who may or may not spin-off to 'Angel', as well as some comments from Joss on Angel's return to Buffy.

Crossover Spin

Okay, here comes an 'Angel' spoiler, although it's not really that spoilerly. But if there was any doubt as to if it's really going to be Angel that will be appearing in the final episodes, the lasting casting side info for 'Angel' should end the speculation. Without giving anything away that you wouldn't already know from Buffy spoilage, Angel does appear to be heading to Sunnydale at some point in the 'Angel' finale.

It Needed One

I had seriously considered continuing into next season by spoiling for 'Miracles', unfortunately I won't have the chance. ABC, who have proven again and again to have no concept of what makes for good TV, have cancelled 'Miracles'. (Not that I expected much from the network that canned 'Cupid' and shelved 'The Mole'). One can only hope that like 'Firefly', the show might be released on DVD for the fans.

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