November 04, 2002

Wildfeeds, Episode 10

Wildfeed Info

Wildfeeds are up.

Leoff's Wildfeed

Herc's Review

Dori's Spikefeed

Something To Top The Wildfeed

I'm going to have to steal a bit of the wildfeed's thunder for a moment. I've been sitting on some info for over two weeks, mainly because it was such a departure from the current storyline. I was waiting for either 'Him' or the wildfeed to appear, because they also passed along some info about that episode as well. In the meantime, I've gotten secondary confirms from two other sources, so I believe this info to be very legit. I've been dropping a few tidbits throughout this weekend, but here's the whole story.

As usual, this is very early information, which could be entirely subject to change. But the core information should be solid.

Episode 10 - Bring On The Night

Three Slayers-In-Training arrive in Sunnydale, turning to Buffy for help. Apparently, the Council of Watchers has suffered a serious attack and may even have been destroyed. (the source says that there is at least one dead Watcher). The three girls move into the Summer's home, which recently was attacked by someone or something (the source thinks it's 'The First' or their minions).

Giles is back at this point, though it's unclear if he brought the girls or if they came on their own. Very little info on them, except for the fact that one of them may be gay (Can't rule out a possible love-interest for Willow, but it's just to early to tell). As for Spike, there is very little info (which I've mentioned before).

That's all I know at this moment. I wish I had more details (like if 'The First' is behind both attacks). But it does seem like we are going to be setting up the end-run of the Season very early this year, as I expect this storyline to continue through the finale, and tie into Faith's return as well.

Spoiler Slayer will be updated tonight.

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