September 06, 2002


More From The Oracle

Update: I understand there is some confusion over why I'm coming to the conclusion that the set I've heard rumors about is for Anya's home village, seeing as there is at least 1,000 years difference between Anya's pre-vengeance days and a 19th century village. It's not a mistake in my math, it's a question of the sources that are passing along this information. Much of it is third and second-hand, not one has seen this set up close. One source says that it's being built in a farm-like environment, another pointed out that it seemed strange to them that they would be building a set on-site, as there are plenty of 19th century sets that they could use (and possibly have used in the past). I'm just putting the pieces together. If a source overhears the conversation, it's entirely possible that they misheard the reference to the 9th century as the 19th century (or the other person could be incorrect). I never said this was solid spoilage, but passed it along because it fits the spoilers for Anya's flashbacks. However, as I said originally, this could be a set that would be used for any Mutant Enemy production, so it could also be a set for 'Angel' or even a rustic colony set for 'Firefly'.

Short post today, but The Oracle has posted some new spoilage at the Cross and Stake.

"Same Time, Same Place"

UPDATED! - Anya pays the price for undoing the curse on Worm Man and is restricted to only being able to teleport for Vengeance jobs. (Previously reported it was all teleporting, but there was confusion there. All better now.)

Episode 5

NEW! - Anya grants a young woman's wish, but the violent act of vengeance leaves Anya completely guilt-ridden. In order to fix her mistake, she asks that the spell be undone. Knowing the price of the reversal is the life of a Vengeance Demon, she's willing to make the sacrifice.

NEW! - Flashbacks to Anya's past, supposedly complete with the return of Olaf, Anya's *husband* before she was made a Vengeance demon. We'll also learn about the origination of Anya's "bunny" fear.

NEW! - Buffy and Anya fight (and I don't me a verbal sparring) after Buffy and the gang learn about Anya's destructive wish granting.

Interesting, and it fits my gut feeling that the reports of the 19th century village/town set, more than likely is going to be in reality the set for Anya's home village. I've also been keeping an eye out for any info on Abraham Benrubi perhaps returning for an episode. As usual, The Oracle is filling in the gaps and confirming other rumors I've heard, so I'm going to rank this spoilage as 'Likely'

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