September 05, 2002

'Help' Spoilage

We Don't Need No Education

I've just gotten some additional information which confirms the general plot of 'Help'. As reported before, the episode revolves around Buffy's first day on the job at Sunnydale High. It's still unclear what her exact role is, but it appears that a number of teens will be coming to her with various 'issues'. One of these is a young girl 'Cassie', who feels that she will be dead in a few days. But these aren't the only student problems that Buffy faces in her first few days...

A female student, who feels that she's being picked on by another student, misinterprets some advice Buffy offers, and lets her fists do the talking.

One student asks Cassie to the school dance, but after she turns him down, he confesses to Buffy that Dawn was his first alternate.

A male student who thinks that he might be gay, but wonders if Buffy will help him test that theory.

Finally, there are a couple of students who were once content with only picking on their peers, but might be trading up to demonic sacrifice.

Buffy may also have to face some parents too. This of course lends further credence to the report that I had from that 'untested source' earlier, I'll be adjusting the spoiler rankings to reflect this.

In addition to the information on 'Help', I've also received a report from another source. Supposedly the production staff is in the process of building a 19th century town/village set on location. This would seem to confirm the spoilers that the episode that revolves around Anya will feature flashbacks. However, this could also be in preparation for either a sweeps episode, an Angel episode, or even a Firefly episode. Just something to keep in mind as we get more spoilers.

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