June 24, 2002

Just A Brief Update

If only because I'm getting mucho email on the topic. Though I had a feeling that this was going to spark a lot of conversation.

School's Been Blown To Pieces

The spoiler that Dawn will be a freshman next year at Sunnydale High took me by surprise as it did many of you. This wasn't any speculation on my part, this is taken directly from a quote in the latest Entertainment Weekly. I just report the facts as I'm reading them, even though I'm well aware that Dawn has stated she was a freshman in 'All The Way' and referenced her freshman status in 'Tough Love' as well.

One of two things can be going on at this point. Either we're seeing another one of those infrequent, though infamous blips in ME's calculations (how many different dates have we gotten for Angel's age? Not to mention Angel supposedly being Spike's sire), or Dawn is being held back a grade or two (and with her record, that wouldn't shock me one bit).

Actually, possibility three would be that Entertainment Weekly is wrong, which is why I'm ranking all 'press or interview-related' spoilers at this point 'nearly confirmed' and not 'confirmed'.

Joudan Ja Nai

Also, I've had a number of people wonder if I've changed my tune on Spike, since I posted the 'How Lame' comment about his 'vampire with a soul status'. I was actually poking fun at the following lines from 'Tabula Rasa'

SPIKE: I must be a noble vampire. A good guy. On a mission of redemption. I help the hopeless. I'm a vampire with a soul. BUFFY: A vampire with a soul? Oh my god, how lame is that?
I'm only serious about 90% of the time, the rest is all in-jokes and obscure references. Unfortunately, sometimes they might be a bit too obscure.

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