June 22, 2002

Entertainment Weekly, SciFi Wire

More News On Season Seven

Both SciFi Wire and the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly (the one with the It List) have more info on Buffy Season Seven. Most of the tidbits are confirmation of spoilers I've already posted, so I'll be changing some rankings again. I've decided that I'm only going to go so far as to rank Spoilers as 'Nearly Confirmed', until either Shooting Location Reports or Wildfeeds give us actual 100% confirmation.

This latest info gives us...

- Dawn is a Freshman at Sunnydale High - Buffy will have a new job (the wording is vague, it could be read that she'll have a job at the High School) - New villain will be 'Everyone's worse nightmare' (Sarah wrote to suggest that maybe that Britney Spears rumor is true)

- Willow and Giles will be shooting scenes in England for the premiere
- Dawn will do a bit more fighting and dating
- Spike will be still be a vampire, with a soul (how lame)
- Spike's actions in 'Seeing Red' will cause a rift between him and Dawn

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