April 27, 2002

Saturday Update - Radio Promo, DeKnight

All is still quiet, good thing we only have a few days to go before new Buffy (and a little over 24 hours until the next Wildfeed).

You've Read The Script, Now Hear The Promo

Ange posted a copy of the radio promo for 'Seeing Red' to her site. You'll find the link at the Kitten Board (don't want to link directly, because it's not hard for a link on this page to wipe out another site's traffic limit in less than an hour).

Headless Fury's And Zombie DeKnight's

Both Steven DeKnight and David Fury swung by the Beta Bronze yesterday. The archive is now available at the Bronze VIP Archive page. Nothing spoilery, but Steve is hinting at some big news coming in the next two weeks. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it is not plot-related (as in spoilers), but will either be in regards to the future of Buffy (past Season Seven), the cast itself, or the writing staff. More than likely, it's going to have more to do with Steve's position within Mutant Enemy.

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