April 09, 2002

AM Update - Wanda

Sorry for the non-posting yesterday. I was in a hurry so I didn' t verify that it had posted to the page. It was posted, but not published. You should be getting it fine today.

Wandering Wanda

Just like the Buffy/Spike rumors from last season, Wanda is now playing both sides of the fence in regards to contracts. A while back, she mentioned that all the regulars were signed through next season. Now she's spilling that Emma is only signed through the end of this season.

What do you know about Amber Benson, Alyson Hannigan and Emma Caulfield's contract status on Buffy? Ends this season; ends next season; ends this season.
Well, one way or the other, she's going to end up being both right and wrong. I personally would believe statements the actress has made, both in interviews and at press conferences. She's already denied rumors that she would be leaving this season, or that this would be her last. In a UPN press conference last summer, Emma didn't dispute the claim that all the regulars were signed through Season Seven.

While I've never placed much faith in contracts as a guarantee, my hunch continues to point to all the regulars still being on the show next season. Whether or not that will be a full season could be debated, but I'm thinking there is not going to be a quick resolution to the events of the final episodes of the season.

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