April 08, 2002

PM Update - Fraz

I'll have Wanda tomorrow morning after she posts the archive. But for now...

'Gone' Seems To Be A Very Popular Theme

Fraz posted the following at FanForum. This info only strengthens my opinion that the Season may end with only Buffy, Dawn, and Xander present and accounted for.

OF course most everyone knows that TV shows on the norm film out of sequence only sitcoms film in sequence with a live audience. There is always exceptions to the rule. With having said that I have info on the Cemetary shoot. I dont have any dialog but this was shot during the day and they were there to discover that Spike is gone and the crypt completely empty of anything that is Spike related. As if he was never there.

Now the mystery did Spike clean it out because he isnt returning? or he hids his stuff since it is mostly one of those deals he doesnt want another vamp nesting with his stuff? not knowing how long he will be gone?

I fear he thinks he is leaving for good? not to be around Buffy and hurt her? But he gets there knowing he will be drawn back as always to Home away from Home Sunnydale. How many times have we seen him say he is going to leave but yet he pulls up and you know he has arrived in Sunnydale once more...LOL

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