March 08, 2002

PM Update - Casting Report, Wanda, Amber, Xbox

Tomorrow's AM Update will be early, probably around 10 AM EST. There will be another change on Monday, as my work schedule is going to force me to do updates at around 8 EST. I'll keep you up to date with the changes as I figure them out.

Slayer Origins

Ms. Curious posted another tidbit from her unnamed source at FanForum.

Spoiler info.
BtVS is looking for African-American women to play tribeswomen.
With the shooting schedule, this would have to be for one of the final two episodes. More than likely, the finale.

BSD - Easy As 1-2-3

Remember the poll Wanda was doing, about who you thought the 'Big Scooby Death' would be. She has the answers now, and Tara was the overall choice of the majority. Which still doesn't mean anything, but she further narrowed the playing field with her comments.

We all know what a big fan Joss Whedon is of spreading misinformation. But I have been able to confirm this tidbit with someone who seems to be a straight-shooter: The Scooby in danger will sacrifice herself to save a loved one. (Oops, did I make that gender reference out loud?)
Let's see, if Willow wasn't a choice, that's going to narrow it down to Anya, Tara, or Dawn. The obvious conclusion is that it will be Tara (since Wanda says everyone else is contracted through next season), but in an earlier chat she said the odds were against it being Tara. Looking at Wanda's track record (she also said that Buffy and Spike would and would not get together), I really wouldn't jump to any conclusions at this point. About this time last year, Wanda also broke the news about the star-studded Season Five Finale.

Amber Laughs In The Face Of Death

It's nice to see that even with all the rumors of her character's impending death, Amber Benson can still smile. In an article which appeared in a UK Buffy Magazine (which Tyche transcribed on the Kitten Board), the actress had this to say...

So about this rumour that somebody dies... [Laughs] I can’t say. I will give you a hint, though. It’s not Xander.

Just Because I'm Psyched About This

Computer and has an extensive preview of the Buffy Xbox game. I swear, this is the only reason why I'm going to buy an Xbox.

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