March 07, 2002

AM Update - Xander, Episode Titles (again)

With any luck, there will be some new spoilage this week. I'm hearing rumblings that information is going to surface soon. Also, tonight I'm going to attempt to catch up on my Episode reviews, and there will be important news about the Update's schedule.

Are Your Parents Thieves?

Ms. Curious posted the following tidbit about Episode Nineteen at FanForum.

In Ep. 19, there is a scene with Xander at the Bronze where he is apparently striking out with the ladies. Then, the troika show up and Warren is super strong. He attacks like 3 people before Xander tries to be the hero and gets pummeled and thrown across the Bronze by Warren.
This would seem to confirm the rumors of a Warren-bot, though Warren's strength could be enhanced via other methods. What puzzles me is Xander out looking for a date. At the end of the Wedding, both Xander and Anya are both suffering. We can't even be sure that the couple has broken up, even if they were I don't know if Xander would be so quick to find a new girl. However, the scene could be done a number of ways, in which this could work. For now, I think this could be a very solid spoiler.


In regards to the episode titles, I've gotten a couple of e-mails from fans wondering about 'Entropy' and 'Seeing Red'. Of all the crazy titles floating around, I can at least say that 'Entropy' would seem to be the real thing. I think it's come from two different sources, one of which has seen a script. Likewise, 'Seeing Red' could also be accurate, though since it's coming from Wanda I'm more than a bit iffy. However, it was mentioned in the ScoopMe title, so either source for that info could have seen a script as well. That's usually where the titles first appear, when shooting sides and scripts start getting distributed. This is also why we never get more than a couple of episode titles at a time, and usually not until the episode is actually shooting.

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