February 24, 2002

Sunday Update - Joss, Episode 17, Leoff, False Spoilers

Just Jossing

Joss posted a bit at the Bronze last night, normally I would wait for the archive but since his other posts never appeared, here are the important bits.

As far as Firefly goes, it starts filming a week from tuesday. I'm mind-bogglingly excited about it. But don't think for a SECOND it's gonna lessen my involvement in th' Buf. I've got next year so WIRED! Angel, too. Couldn't be more psyched. I'll stop by when I can to give you all insights on any of the shows I can.

On other fronts, The end of the season is shaping up spectacularly. Just read a Marti script that freaked me, much with the tears and excitment, that woman rocks and also with the rolling. Start shooting Firefly in a week, that's pretty exciting too. So busy. But still a freak/loser, so you'll all recognize me despite my incredibly manly beard. Heigh ho.

This Is Not How I Am

Diva Stardust passed along the following link to TV-Now, which has a summary for Episode 17. I'm still in the process of verifying it at this time, but it looks to be the real deal. Even though I'm very surprised that March 12th will be another new episode. I would have fully expected repeats until April. However, it does link to the script tidbits for Episode 18, the Troika could easily be behind the poisoning, and it would explain why Joyce might be in the episode. However, it does mean that it won't be a Wishverse, which bars any chance of an Alternate Reality 'Big Scooby Death'.

It doesn't fit all the spoilers out there for Episode 17, such as how the writers would be misleading us and the question of Buffy being in Heaven. But I'm going out on a limb and saying that it does fit the profile for what I would be expecting out of this episode. Although, it does remind me quite a bit of a certain Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
episode. The nice thing is that even if I can't get verification this weekend, I should know something definite by Tuesday at the least.

Since I received this spoilage, it has been pointed out that there was an episode of Charmed that had an almost identical storyline. This is where things get tricky, as this was also around the time when the Buffy episode which had her in a 'mental institution' was supposed to air. At the time, it seemed that maybe there had been a mix-up in the information. Perhaps the two episodes were being confused, so does that mean that this information is incorrect. I'm really not sure, because there has hardly been any real information on Episode 17 that can be confirmed. Would two shows air similar storylines? Well, they did have an 'invisibility' story arc on Smallville this season (although it was much more like the original 'Invisible Girl' episode rather than 'Gone'). If this information is correct, then that might explain why this episode got pushed back. Perhaps they didn't want the two storylines airing so close to each other.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Normal Again 60 minutes- (CC), N, In Stereo

Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendon
James Marsters, Amber Benson, Emma Caulfield

After being poisoned, Buffy comes to believe that she is confined to
a mental hospital and that her life as a vampire slayer never really

Wildfeed, I Think I Love You

I'll be activating the link to Leoff's Wildfeed today. Just a note, if you are running a site or posting this wildfeed somewhere, be sure to give him credit. Not everyone has been doing this lately, and he asked if I would pass along this little tidbit. Please, if you use anything from my site, be sure to give the original site the proper credit. Remember, aside from speculation, any spoilers posted on this page have come from other sources. They deserve the credit.

Also, it is likely that there will not be a 'SpikeFeed' from Dori this week. If it is published, I'll be sure to post the link. I've also got a big string tied around my finger to remind me to post Loey's Wildfeed summary as well (usually Tuesday AM).

Heh Heh - They Said Tool

Just to round out the update, how about some spoilers that I'm just not buying. The first fails because you would be hard-pressed to fit that explanation into an hour-long show (not to mention the fact that 'The Powers That Be' are pretty much an Angel-verse plot device). The second, why would Dawn hate Spike that much after all he did for her over the summer (plus, I still think she has a crush on him).

False Spoiler Number One

Can't tell ya where I got these spoilers, and this is all I know/am going to say:

Episod 17: Normal Again
-Buffy avoids Spike
-A thing appears to Buffy in her dreams and then in real life. It comes in the form of Joyce and the First Slayer and it calls itself "The Source."
-The Source tells Buffy that it is from the Powers That Be and that they are the ones that brought Buffy back to life. Willow, Xander, Tara and Anya were just tools. Buffy never went to heaven, her death and rebirth were just tests, to see if she was a true warrior, and to see if she could handle the belief that she was pulled out of heaven by the ones she loves.
-Buffy has a breakdown due to The Source's revelation, and asks if she's just a tool.
-The Source tells Buffy that she was tested for a reason, and because of her loved ones help and her willingness to fight for good even when in pain she is the strongest slayer of all time. It tells Buffy that she will be playing a major role in the world's future.
-Anya is heartbroken, as is Xander, who spends most of the episode alone. Tara and Willow's friendship blossoms again.
-Jonathon grows worried about Warren and Andrew's dangerous new plan

False Spoiler Number Two

In episode 21, tentatively titled "Ashes To Ashes," Dawn finds out about Buffy and Spike, and takes matters into her own hands and STAKES Spike for REAL. NOT a dream sequence. This sets up a highly emotional, and action packed, season-finale.

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