February 09, 2002

PM Update - DeKnight Archive Up, YAMI, Angel Clarification

The archive of Steven DeKnight's visit to the Bronze is now available.

I have decided that I shall coin a new acronym - YAMI. Which stands for Yet Another Marti Interview. The latest one covers the events in 'Dead Things' and certainly sheds quite a bit of light on the Buffy/Spike relationship. Certainly, no matter what happens in the next few episodes, it's anything but 'over'.

There will be no AM Update either on Saturday or Sunday. In fact, considering a) the amount of spoilage posted over the weekends and b) my attention will be elsewhere on the weekend mornings (sorry folks, it's official racing season), I will likely be only doing a single update each day during the weekend. It will probably be posted at 9 pm EST. But don't hold me to that just yet.

Also, just to clarify the Angel comment I posted this morning. I am fully aware that 'Angel' will be picked up for at least the next season by UPN if the WB passes on it. In fact, judging from comments made by the writers, this really isn't unexpected. It's just that it's one of the first solid indications we've had that 'Angel' may be dropped by the WB. Now, if someone could just convince UPN to pick up 'Felicity' and the Cartoon Network or Comedy Central to pick up 'Family Guy', I'll be a very happy camper.

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