January 11, 2002

AM Update Wendy has an

AM Update

Wendy has an update at The Spoiler Zone.

As promised, here is a link to David Fury's posts at the Bronze.

Although I'm surprised that I would have to say something like this, when a writer posts something about a specific character dying or being killed, they are joking. I had several people ask about DeKnight's slip about Xander getting killed, and I'm sure (although I haven't checked mail) people will be asking about Tara being already dead.

David also fills in the blanks on Xander's obvious failure to 'connect the dots', he's in denial over the possibility that Buffy and Spike could ever hook up. Which doesn't mean that on some level he doesn't think it already, which I why I think he made more than one relationship jab at Spike. I still think Willow has an idea as well, since Buffy's come to her several times trying to broach the topic. I think she's just been too involved in her own problems to notice.

For those who are wondering, the percentage scores are still part of the ranking. I don't know if it works in Netscape (I have to test that this morning), but if you hover over the site's name for a few seconds, the scores should pop up. Starting with the PM Update this evening, I'm going to give each site a short review, just so you can get a feel for why I decided to place them where they are. Although, on the scoring alone, it should be pretty obvious.

I'd also suggest a swing by Slayage.com, several new non-spoilery (for US fans) interviews have been posted. Perhaps one of the best 'Buffy News Resources' currently on the internet.

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