January 10, 2002

PM Update Short, Sweet, and

PM Update

Short, Sweet, and Early because of Survivor.

David Fury stopped by the BetaBronze, I'll post the link to the VIP archive in the morning. Not much in the way of spoilage, but as always an interesting read.

I've done some tweaking to the site, you'll see that episodes without Spoilers are no longer being listed on the Spoiler Slayer page, and that I've made the changes to the ranking system. I also added some more to the Frequently Asked Questions page (Slayer Questions), and modified the Archives section a bit. I'll discuss the ranking a bit more tomorrow.

For those of you who don't like Survivor, don't forget that the WB is airing Angel on Thursday's as well as Monday. Tonight's repeat episode is 'Belonging'. Also, if you are using Windows Media Player, WindowsMedia.com is running tidbits from the Buffy Season One DVD all this week. Which should be available nationwide on January 15th (although I'm going to have to wait until the end of the month, Grrr Argh). The good news is that Season Two should be available in June, just as I figured (based on the release of the X-Files). Which means that Season Three should be out in time for Christmas 2002.

I sure hope Lex doesn't win.

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