December 21, 2001

AM Update First note, there

AM Update

First note, there will be no PM Update tonight. No new updates until tomorrow morning. I will be doing a major overhaul to the Spoiler Slayer page today, mainly working on rankings for old rumors. Since most of the general spoilers were only meant to cover the episodes through the end of the year, I'm going to work on getting them ranked and eventually sorted off the main page. I'm already assuming there's going to be much wailing and gnashing of the teeth. Even though it's twisted and dark, I think Buffy and Spike definitely are a couple and in a relationship. In addition, a couple of the spoilers were paraphrased around the 'Buffy and Spike would go way beyond tongue-wrestling', which has come to pass.

A post from Fraz on FanForum supposedly has the notes from a UPN Teleconference. The three things to look for in February.

  • The three episodes feature Buffy thinking she accidentally killed someone.

  • Dawn feels neglected and she wishes never to be left alone which means no one can leave the house.

  • Riley comes back.
I'm more skeptical of the second and third ones, than I am of the first (more on that in a second). The Dawn bit seems to feed from what happened with Tara in 'Smashed' and 'Wrecked', which was mainly a way of getting Willow and Tara to bump back into each other. Ever since she arrived, she's been out for late-night excursions in Sunnydale. I can't imagine her suddenly getting too scared to go out. The Riley rumor, I'm still skeptical of his return, especially with the other information that is beginning to trickle in.

Angel X updated with more spoilage at the Cross and Stake, some of which I've already mentioned and some new stuff.

Episode 13 - Dead Things: - There is a death, but it's not one of the Scoobies. It's a villainous act that shakes a lot of characters up and sets up potential for the big bad...if there is such a thing this season. - Dawn and Xander dance together in preparation for the wedding.

Episode 14 - Older and Far Away:
- Buffy's birthday ep. Pain, mayhem, alcohol, family drama--like she could ever have an non-crazy birthday.
- Tara is very much alive at the end of this ep.

That now makes three separate sources claiming that there will be a death. It would appear to be the theme through sweeps. At this point, I really don't want to make any guess as to who it is or why it happens. The storyline does strongly echo the fate of Deputy Mayor Finch, which is something Steven DeKnight was asking about while writing this episode. He did come back and say he was looking for the info for an animated script, but I'm thinking that much like the 'light-hearted romp' comment, it was a bit of subterfuge. Add to the mix the police station, and I'm thinking it's going to be a human, but nobody that we would connect with the Scoob's right now. Someone like Percy, Parker, Tito, Janice or even that social worker that's going to turn up in the next episode. Likewise, Rack or Teeth could be possible, if only for the reason that it looks like there will be some confusion as to what or who actually caused the death.

Finally, on the Wanda rumor from yesterday. I can't really say that it's false, if only because it's hard to pick another two that would be false. It does seem to echo what happened between Giles and Ben, so maybe Wanda just tweaked that one a bit. I'm going to stick it as 'possible', but with the caveat that I don't think James is going anywhere. It could well be a plot device and not really something to worry about. If you look at it, in the show Oz has killed Willow, Xander killed Angel, Buffy killed Xander just in 'The Wish' alone. We've got a Troika 'time loop' spell as well as a vengeance demon being introduced to the mix. Could be much like the 'Riley Stakes Spike' spoiler from last season. I wouldn't read too much into it just yet.

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