December 19, 2001

AM Update Just a note,

AM Update

Just a note, I'm still working on slotting some pieces into the puzzle, but I should easily be finished by this evening. Also, I said I was going to talk about this today, so I don't know why I'm getting all the e-mails asking me not to hold back. I don't think I've ever held back in the past, at the most I might have dropped hints just to see if anyone else was on the same page as myself. I'm not like the other sites, I get just as irritated when people are vague, hold back information, or post speculation as spoilage. Patience, folks, you'll hear the speculation in either case. The delay is due to the fact that I'm double-checking a lot of facts, and if they all check out there will be a shake-up in the CURRENT spoiler rankings.

Joss posted at the Bronze last night (Angel Related)...

Joss posts at The BronzePower Has Driven Me Mad Posted by: Joss - Dec 16, 2001, 8:05 AM Hey ho. Re: title, just wanted to say hi after another gruelling filming experience. Except no gruel. Just film. Just the happiest filming experience I could have had, doing episode 13 of Angel. (The other show. It's on the Double you Bee - will this site explode if I plug it? You know comma, I spend more time on Buffy, though I work hard on Angel stories and cuts and all. Greenwalt and Minear (topplingly huge brains to a man) have the show well in hand, and I hadn't even intended to shoot one this year, so I don't see the crew much, and the cast only socially. But I got sucked into doing one and what a joy that set is exclamation point! What a magical experience! And the episode centers around EXACTLY the sort of thing our young male action-oriented audience CRAVES: Ballet! Power has driven me mad!

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