December 19, 2001

PM Update Posted under the

PM Update

Posted under the Roswell Thread on AICN is supposedly the schedule for the upcoming Buffy's (along with titles). As usual, I'm skeptical of new titles, but the airdate information would seem to be correct. However, this source hasn't always been correct (I believe I read that they stated there would be an episode on 12/4). This is how it shapes up..

  • January 1st - Repeat of Flooded
  • January 8th - Gone
  • January 15th - DoubleEp Buffy - Weight of the World and The Gift repeats
  • January 22nd - DoubleEp Buffy - Bargaining Part I & II
  • January 29th - Doublemeat Palace
  • February 5th - Dead Things
Part of me is a bit doubtful, if only because it makes you wonder when they are going to air 'Intervention' or 'Spiral', both episodes that I think they have (I know they have at least 'Spiral'). Also, someone mentioned that January 29th is part of the Sweeps month, it isn't. Sweeps for February 2002 is from January 31st thru February 27th (Nielsen). Update: Kathleen wrote to let me know that FX is showing these two episodes. I was basing this assumption on what wasn't available for voting for the Thanksgiving Day marathon. I'm feeling a bit more confident about this schedule.

Brief spoilage about Episode Thirteen from the Cross and Stake, which has Buffy dancing with Spike at the Bronze.

On a fun note, Christopher wrote and said that he thought that in 'Smashed' when Amy was watching the TV in the living room, that the commercial on the set was for 'DoubleMeat Palace'. He couldn't be positive, but I ran my copy to check and sure enough there it was. Which just shows how much effort Mutant Enemy puts into the little details, which is why I've decided to revisit the 'numbers theory'.

As before, nothing really is jumping out at me, although there are a few interesting coincidences. For example, one of the numbers is '11' which in terms of overall episodes was 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind'. Is it just coincidence that this season's episode 11 is also going to focus on Invisibility? To be honest, it's really making my head hurt more than anything else, though I thought I was on the right track until many of you reminded me about Buffy wearing an '8' in 'Life Serial'. Oh, and you can stop emailing me about the numbers ;D

I still have a bit of research I want to do, but probably with the AM update tomorrow, I'll throw out a little speculation on a possible 'Big Bad' for Season Six (though like most of my speculation, it'll probably be far from what actually happens). If it wasn't for that darn number 8, I could swear that I was onto something.

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