November 24, 2001

News For The Day AICN

News For The Day

AICN has a few tidbits about Angel and Buffy (though Buffy is only about the December schedule).

Steven DeKnight paid his weekly visit to The Bronze. He's still busy working on Episode Thirteen.

Some spoilers for 'Wrecked' were posted on the Cross and Stake, but I think it's more guesswork than anything.

TV Tome is saying that Elizabeth Anne Allen will be around for the rest of the season.

There also seems to be a bit of talk about a supposedly cut scene from 'Smashed', which shows up in the summary for that episode on the site. It has to do with Spike preparing his crypt for Buffy. It's a strange scene and really doesn't fit into the episode at all. I personally think that someone is having a bit of fun with the fans, and this isn't a scene that was cut from the episode (and I agree with those who can't believe that Spike would listen to Roxy Music).

That's pretty much wraps it for today, hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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