November 14, 2001

Went ahead and did the

Went ahead and did the major updating, I moved several 'Highly Unlikely' spoilers from the general area to the 'Confirmed False' section. While I don't really have any solid confirmation, based on that there has been no kind of affirmative confirmation, I think it's not an issue. I also tweaked a few others, you'll noticed I finally moved up the 'Buffy is possessed' spoiler and downgraded the 'Spike's Chip Malfunctions' spoiler. After seeing the preview for 'Smashed', I feel comfortable doing so. The actual script tidbits we have point to Spike thinking his chip is malfunctioning, when really the possession of Buffy is what's behind it. I also think the big final fight scene, looks to be taking place in an abandoned building. If Buffy can't tell what reality is, maybe she thinks the building is an asylum (or it was in the past), which is why she goes there. Not positive on that, but it would fit some of the spoilers.

'Tabula Rasa' is a great example of what I was talking about last week. I don't want to see the show get an Emmy nod based on a concept episode like the musical, it should get recognized for solid episodes like this. The way the writers can juggle comedy and drama in the same hour is amazing. One minute you're laughing hysterically, the other you're sitting in stunned silence. It can also be a bit frustrating, because last night was perhaps Amber Benson's finest performance on the show. I'm hoping that she won't be gone for long. The effects of the spell also raise many more questions about Spike's state of mind. If he was the evil creature that everyone claims that he is, then the spell should have reverted him back to that state. Even when the demon-side came out, he still felt a loyalty towards Buffy, and she the same to him. Again, I think it comes down to the mutual respect each has for the other (which existed even before the entire love-story angle came about). Spike's the only one who will even try to talk to Buffy about her situation, rather than just talk about her situation (the Scoobies). Some might wonder why she just caved when her memories came flooding back, but don't take into account the weight of those memories. Which brings up an interesting change to the series story arc. Most of the previous seasons have opened on Buffy in a state of confusion about her role (WSWB, Anne, Freshman, BvD), which usually is resolved within the next episode or two. One could almost argue that the sense of futility that Buffy has had since late last season, has now carried over well into this season. The hits just keep coming, and there is nothing she can do to get away from them. With that in mind, I do feel that by mid-season this will all be resolved (at least with Buffy/Spike). Because with all that is going on outside of her life, she's going to need all her strength to deal with what comes next.

I also tweaked the Buffy Formula a bit. Since the Troika have been overshadowed by the chaos that Willow is causing, I'm now considering that we might have two 'Little Bads' for this season, which are somehow going to be responsible for the Big Bad. I'm still thinking that Willow is a bit too obvious, and the writers do love their little surprises. As the episodes progress, we should get a better idea of what is going on. I still think that some pieces of the puzzle are missing.

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