September 25, 2001

Lot of comments and email

Lot of comments and email begging me to spill on my speculation. But I don't want to just yet, I need to actually see a few episodes to make sure. But we're definitely on the same track and I'll pass along a couple other things to consider. If we are correct in thinking that something might come through with Buffy (Willow's spell misfiring is crucial, though is par for the course in terms of her accuracy), it might fit in with several spoilers. Demon ghost haunting the Summer's house in episode three, time distortions in episode five, and Buffy possessed in episode eight. It would seem that there is a theme building, though in terms of what the actual 'Big Bad' will be, I think the writers might have already let slip 'who' it might be. But I could be completely off the trail, I used to be a big proponent of the 'Tara is Amy' theory. ;)

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