September 25, 2001

Tons to talk about this

Tons to talk about this morning, including my take on the Angel premiere (even though it doesn't specifically have any Buffy spoilage, I'll probably talk about both shows during the season). But first, the major news, we might have pretty much a confirmed outline for the Bargaining 1/2.

Morpho sent a synopsis of the first two episodes to Moriarity at AICN. When I first read it, I was slightly skeptical of some of the scenes. For the most part, there isn't really anything new. There is more in the way of details, fleshing out the scenes (pun intended) and proving that this won't be a show for the kiddies. My skepticism is tempered by other reports that are confirming one bit or another, which can only mean that there are reviewers copies of the premiere out there. Wanda in her weekly chat also backs up (or vagues up) bits of the episode. I think that even before the Wildfeed airs, we will have confirmation from other sources for the first episode.

I'm going to go with my gut feeling that this is on the mark, and update the rankings for most of Bargaining's spoilers. I do want to clarify a couple of the changes...

As for Giles leaving without fanfare, it would seem that the airport scene would negate that. However, if you note, the outline mentions that the gang finds him there. I would assume that he tried to sneak away, and they came after him. So I'm going to credit that spoiler as nearly confirmed, as it sounds right. Why else would the gang have to track him down? (and here's a thought, who gets the car?)

More later...

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