June 02, 2003

Angel Script Leaked?

Hercules has commented at Ain't It Cool News about what is supposed to be the teaser and first act of 'Angel: Episode One - Season Five'. Herc's not the only one to have received this info, as I also found a copy of it in my Mailbox yesterday morning.

Which brought at least two of my workmates over to find out what was the cause of continual chuckles throughout the morning. The supposed script, has Spike arriving in Wolfram and Hart's White Room, fresh from the Hellmouth. Over the course of the first act, we discover that not only is Spike alive, but he's human, has to constantly wear the amulet from the Buffy finale to stay alive, and he's a Male Slayer to boot.

And Herc actually found this to be somewhat believable.

I personally didn't give it much more than a second glance. It's way too early for any script to have surfaced, I seriously doubt that they have even gotten to the point of plotting the actual events surrounding Spike's arrival in Los Angeles. While I certainly would not rule out Spike returning as a human, or a human with mystical powers, I would seriously doubt that the revelations that appear in this script would take place over a single act.

If I had to lay money on what I feel will be the key thing in Spike's return, it's going to have nothing to do with Sunnydale, The Hellmouth, or The Amulet. It's going to have everything to do with Higher-Being Cordelia (and not coma-Cordelia).

But that's just speculation on my part.

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