June 03, 2003

More On The Supposed Angel Script

Some further information has come out about the supposed Angel script that has been making the rounds. As I expected, it is not a legitimate script.

Update:After I originally reported that this was a spec script submitted to Mutant Enemy, the writer posted on his website that in actuality it was a writing sample to various production companies (but not Mutant Enemy as had been reported when this story first began to break). For some reason, it was emailed to several spoiler sites, including this one. Personally, I never lent it much credence to begin with as it came through the regular site talkback and not from one of my usual sources. I would not have even commented on it at all, except for the fact that Herc picked up the story.

In any case, the script is likely not going to appear in any form on the show.

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