August 09, 2003

ATS: More Info On 5.3

Some more info has been provided for 'Angel' episode 5.3. It does clarify some of the plot and adds a couple of twists.
The bad guys in this episode aren't hunters (as I speculated), but I was close. It's actually an exclusive dinner club (think 'The Freshman') that specializes in exotic meals, run by a man called Jacob Crane. Nina is kidnapped from Wolfram and Hart during the episode. It turns out that the doctor that examines Nina at Wolfram and Hart, Dr. Royce, is actually part of this secret club. He manages to fool Lorne, by using an drug to keep him from reading him, but Fred figures it out.

The gang crash the dinner party, where Nina was going to be eaten alive (because if they kill her she'll turn back into a human). They manage to rescue her, although Were-Nina helps out by breaking her bonds. Wesley has to tranq her to keep her from going after Gunn. At the end, Crane is upset because he promised a werewolf to his dinner guests. At which point Were-Nina wakes up and bites Dr. Royce. Crane leaves with his guards dragging out Royce for next month's event.

Couple of other notes. Missed this info yesterday, but at the end of the episode it appears that Nina will return to Wolfram and Hart once a month, to be isolated during the change. It's also seems that they are playing up a connection between Nina and Angel, but this has happened more than once before, so I don't know if she'll be recurring.

Spike is in the episode and still a ghost. He's also still popping in and out of existence.

(Thanks to 'T')

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