August 09, 2003

TC: Brother's Keeper Summary has a summary of the 'Tru Calling' episode entitled "Brother's Keeper". As usual it provides a good recap of the episode, and matches what we've already heard.

Follow the above link for the full summary, look below for some of the highlights.
As expected, the episode revolves around both Andrew and Sarah's marriage and Harrison's relationship with Sarah. The gun that Harrison talked about getting does come into play, but not entirely as I suspected. Harrison does get the gun, but he ends up killing Andrew. So the first day is mainly spent with establishing the Sarah/Harrison relationship and Tru getting to meet her. That evening, Andrew's body arrives in the morgue, and Tru is stunned to learn that Harrison has been arrested for his murder.

Also, as played out in the earlier spoilers, Tru and Harrison are getting two different stories from the couple. Tru is told that Sarah is after Andrew's money, Sarah tells Harrison that she's being abused by Andrew. Andrew's story is the correct one, but even Tru can't stop Harrison from trying to save Sarah on the second run through the day.

Harrison goes to Sarah's apartment, where she has lured Andrew. There is a scuffle and a gunshot. But it wasn't Harrison who shot him, it was Sarah who grabs the gun from Harrison when he hesistates. She's all ready to frame Harrison, when Andrew stands up. Thanks to a timely call from Tru, Andrew was wearing a bulletproof vest.

All fits with what we know, but interestingly there is still no sign of 'Luc'. I can only expect that the episode where he arrives will be the next one, I would surprise if it gets pushed back farther than this. It also looks like they have written Mark Evans out, as he is not in the episode.

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