November 06, 2003

ATS: Damage Summary

This represents a brief summary of Angel: Damage (Episode 11). It will be updated as new articles or info is posted. More detailed and complete information can be found in the original articles or additional sources.

Written By Steven S. DeKnight and Drew Goddard. Directed By Jefferson Kibbee

The episode opens as a disturbed young woman, Dana, escapes from an institution. Angel and company are called in by one of the nurses. Dana has been institutionalized since she was found wandering the streets when she was a child, having been kidnapped and tortured by a man who killed her family. Up until recently, she was catatonic, but a few months back she started going into uncontrollable rages (with an almost inhuman strength).

Spike goes out to track her, while Angel realizes that she's more than just a crazed patient. While Spike follows the trail of bodies that Dana is leaving. After a brief battle with her, Angel arrives to tell him that she's actually a Slayer. They head back to Wolfram and Hart to meet with someone that Giles has sent, Andrew. Andrew fills them in on what the Scoobies have been up to, and that he's there to collect Dana.

It turns out that Dana has been dreaming of past Slayers, including the one's that Spike killed. Spike goes back out to track her down, while Angel and Gunn go with a psychic to Dana's old house. There we learn about the man who killed the family and tortured her, while Spike tracks her to the basement where the man kept her. In the basement, she fights and incapacitates Spike. Dana sees Spike as her attacker (though in reality, he is not). As the others try to figure out where Dana has gone, Spike awakens to discover that Dana has removed his arms.

Angel and the others rush to the basement, where they are able to subdue Dana and rescue Spike. Andrew argues with Angel about taking Dana back to Europe, but he's brought some Slayer backup of his own. Andrew leaves with Dana, and the episode ends with Angel talking to a recovering Spike. Spike realizes that no matter how much good he does, his past will still come back to haunt him.

Official Descriptions

The WB

When an emotionally unstable woman, Dana (guest star Navi Rawat, "House of Sand and Fog"), escapes from a psychiatric ward, Angel (David Boreanaz) learns that she was tortured as a child and is now searching for her tormentor. Andrew (guest star Tom Lenk, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"), a watcher-in-training, arrives from Sunnydale with surprising information about Buffy and to inform the group that Dana is also a vampire slayer. Meanwhile, Spike (James Marsters) believes that if he can save Dana, he will prove that he is destined to be the vampire champion.

TV Guide

A psychotic vampire slayer escapes from a mental hospital and a familiar face from Sunnydale is dispatched to L.A. to track her down before she can harm her intended prey: Spike.

Tivo Guide

Angel learns that Dana has a tortured past and is a vampire slayer.

Spoiler Slayer Articles

ATS: Episode 11 Info
ATS: Episode 11 Details
ATS: Guest Stars
ATS: 'Damage' Summary

Additional Sources

Amy (Filmjerk)
Pandora (Mythical Boards)
Images (MediaSharx)

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