March 31, 2002

DeKnight's Drive-By DeKnight's comments at the Bronze: Beta yesterday are now available. Not much in the way of spoilers, except his usual warning to avoid them at all costs....

March 30, 2002

Double-Dose Of Buffy Repeats I can confirm that there will be a double-repeat on April 16th (Doublemeat Palace and Dead Things), which would fit the schedule that has cropped up in a few places. While it points to the validity...

March 29, 2002

Marti vs. Buffy Fans: Round One Just a warning, if you do follow the link to read this interview, there is a major Angel spoiler at the bottom of the page. As someone who's been doing his best to avoid...

March 28, 2002

Sure, Make Us Wait Even Longer Partyman posted the following at the Cross and Stake. 30th April - Entropy 7th May - Seeing Red 14th May - Villains 21st May - Episode 21 AND Episode 22 These new episodes are...

March 27, 2002

Well, I hated the thought of posting nothing again this evening. Even though we've got a whole lot of that. I did add two Episode Titles to the Spoiler Slayer page. Episode 21: Against Our Will Episode 22: Catastrophic Impact...

I should deliver the 'bad news' first... While the show is in it's final days of shooting, absolutely nothing has been popping up spoiler-wise. There's a good chance that there might be several 'No News' days in the near future....

March 26, 2002

We Spellz Gud The following appeared at I expect spelling errors when I surf the Buffy boards, I even make a few of my own from time to time. However, it's pretty surprising to see one this obvious from...

March 25, 2002

Still nothing in the pipeline, but since Angel X hasn't updated her MessageBoard Page yet, I figured I would post the information from yesterday. I would apologize for the serious lack of spoilers, but it's something that is pretty much...

March 24, 2002

Just two things to mention. I'm hoping that with the final days of shooting underway, that there will be some tidbits that pop up over the next week. What Did You Wish For? Angel X has posted some clarification on...

March 23, 2002

Before I get started, I just wanted to let everyone know that there will be a major ranking update to the Spoiler Slayer page sometime tonight. Buffy Must Have Called Di-Tech Wendy has updated the Spoiler Zone. It would appear...

March 22, 2002

It's still very quiet, although I can confirm that 'Gone' will be airing on April 9th. Just one other thing I wanted to mention. I'm still backlogged with e-mail (things will be better once I finish Systems/Operations training at work...

You Think It's Bad Now, Wait Until Summer I've got a tiny bit of spoilage, which Angel X posted at the Cross and Stake Spoilage Board. In regards to Buffy leaving Dawn with Clem Giles isn't there and Xander is...

March 21, 2002

And A Bit More A few more follow-up posts and a rewording of another spoiler were posted by Angel X at the Cross and Stake. Spike/Africa Spoiler: UPDATED! Spike shows up in Africa where he puts his life on the...

March 20, 2002

Sex, Lies, and Video Monitors Angel X has posted some more tidbits at the Cross and Stake. She's updating this page as she posts, so it makes it easier to locate her other news. Re: Spike and whether someone tells...

March 19, 2002

Wish We Could Get Some Real Spoilage First, there is a post at the Cross and Stake which lists the final two episode titles as... Episode 21: Against Our Will Episode 22: Catastrophic Impact I'm going to say that these...

Just Shoot Me Still nothing new in the way of spoilers, but that might be about to change. I've gotten word that Mutant Enemy has scheduled location shoots for two nights this week. I don't have any information in terms...

March 18, 2002

Schedule Info The repeat that will air on April 2nd will be 'Wrecked' - no big surprise there. Wanda Wanda's chat isn't archived yet, I'll have the link tomorrow. Nothing really new or different from what we've already heard. In...

Note to the Mailing List: It looks as if Yahoo! Groups is back and working, so I'll be posting all the information passed along this weekend to this list this evening. Including this update, because I don't want to confuse...

March 17, 2002

I've gotten a couple of e-mails from people who don't feel that the foreshadowing of the Willow/Tara story arc, necessarily points to her death. Which in truth it really doesn't, I probably should have worded a few parts a bit...

March 16, 2002

Small Cross and Stake Update Angel X has a new page, which collects the spoilers that she might post on various boards. This is pretty cool (and may save me a bit of work). You can find it at the...

March 15, 2002

Angel X updated the spoiler page at the Cross and Stake. Entropy NEW! When Buffy and Spike run into each other while on patrol, they chat and Spike again raises the issue of Buffy confessing to her friends about her...

Mmmm, Modesty Clothing Amber Benson was on 'Loveline' last night (it's a radio show that's syndicated throughout the U.S. - and perhaps other countries as well). I was sent a brief recap of the spoilery info (Thanks Dudley). I was...

March 14, 2002

You Go Girlfriend There was an interesting post at the Cross and Stake, in regards to the entire 'Spike and Anya' spoiler. I just got emailed part of the script, in it Xander is drunk in a bar and says...

March 13, 2002

Wendy has updated the SpoilerZone. There are some new bits, in addition to the spoilers that we've come to know and love. Like myself, she's hesitant to speculate just yet with all of the information that is floating around. The...

Things are beginning to settle down a bit after all the furor of the weekend. Good episode last night, although my head is pounding once again. The Wildfeed's simply did not do it justice, and the funny thing is that...

March 12, 2002

Location Shoot Report BBOvenGuy filed a comprehensive report for the location shoot at the Kitten Board. What follows are the spoilers. For further details, follow the link. * Tara is indeed dead. The scene where Willow finds Tara's body was...

Wildfeed Review Loey has posted her Wildfeed Review for 'Normal Again' 'Deus Ex Tara' - Gotta love that one. Wanda Wanda only spilled two Buffy tidbits in her chat yesterday. Neither of which had to do with this week's episode....

March 11, 2002

Just a note: With the entire 'first week' back to work thing happening, I am coming home pretty wiped out. Which means it's a good thing that I'm holding off on speculation until after 'Normal Again' airs. If I do...

Just the facts for right now, comments and speculation to follow in the PM Update. Leoff's Wildfeed for 'Normal Again' Dori's SpikeFeed DeKnight's Comments at the Beta Bronze...

March 10, 2002

The Real Me While surfing this morning, I did notice that someone decided to post some spoilage at the UPN Bronze using the name 'spoilerslayer1'. Although most of you realized that I would never post spoilage on my own, there...

Because I was trying to cram so much into today's update, I didn't stress some points as much as I would have liked. In regards to the old spoilage I posted, I was in no way stating that all of...

This update will be different from the usual style. For one, the humorous headings would be inappropriate at this time. I also think that for right now, it's best to stick to the spoilers and avoid speculating on them for...

March 08, 2002

Sorry folks, it's been another day with nary a spoiler to cross my screen. At least any that I would qualify as having a 'ghost of a chance' of actually happening. Much like the beginning of the season, as we...

Tomorrow's AM Update will be early, probably around 10 AM EST. There will be another change on Monday, as my work schedule is going to force me to do updates at around 8 EST. I'll keep you up to date...

March 07, 2002

With any luck, there will be some new spoilage this week. I'm hearing rumblings that information is going to surface soon. Also, tonight I'm going to attempt to catch up on my Episode reviews, and there will be important news...

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover I've gotten several e-mails in regards to the episode titles that are supposedly for the final four episodes of the season. I can't mention the site that is posting them due to copyright...

March 06, 2002

Order Your Copy Today Amazon is now taking Pre-Orders for the Buffy Season 2 DVD set. The price is set at $44.99 and the release date is listed as June 11th. They don't have an image up at Amazon just...

March 05, 2002

Scheduling issues which I mentioned before, meant that I wasn't able to pull of the AM Update this morning. I was on the road shortly after 6 am, and between appointments and approximately 200 miles of driving to and from...

Yahoo! Groups has been down for most of the day, which means that the e-mail updates are not going through. There's nothing I can do about it on this end, hopefully it will be back up by the morning. Did...

March 04, 2002

Leoff's Wildfeed Summary Herc's Review SpoilerZone Updated...

March 03, 2002

Just a note for tomorrow. There may not be an AM Update on Monday (and it's likely there may not be one on Tuesday either). My schedule is going to have me away from the computer for at least one,...

March 02, 2002

Wasn't Sunnydale Supposed To Be A Small Town? It's certainly come a long way from the one-Starbuck's town of Season One. Two colleges, a University, A Heliport, an Airport, a Dam and now an Amusement Park? posted the following...

Before I get into the meat of this post, you may have noticed a slight change to the Spoilery Speculation page. There has been a problem with people confusing my comments with the posts from various boards. This has been...

March 01, 2002

This Topic Will Probably Be Longer Than The Review Nothing to talk about this morning (sorry), but I have gotten a couple of e-mails about the lack of a review for 'Older and Far Away' or 'As You Were'. If...

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